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Darths & Droids (Webcomic) - TV Tropes
What If? Star Wars as we know it didn't exist, but instead the plot of the movies was being made up on the spot by players of a Tabletop Game? Well, for one, the results might actually make a lot more sense, from an out-of-story point of view Indeed, the very plot of Star Warswith all its inconsistencies and bizarre leaps of logic, comes about because the players constantly force the GM to improvise.
And that's not all; the Irregulars seem to be taking perverse pleasure in actually changing things from how they happen in the movies as much as they can while still being constrained by actual screencaps. This ranges from introducing the "Lost Orb" side-quest, all the way to Darth Maul being a hired bounty hunter who's, at worst, a Punch-Clock Villain.
Even Palpatine seems like a good guy. In the blurb for each comic, there are often links to This Very Wiki one of its creators is a known troperand there are even comics named after tropes, as well. The comic is being translated into a variety of languages, including German and French. Notably, some of the translations are pure Gag Dubincluding Piratepoetry, Zero Wing -esque mangled English and tlhIngan Hol Klingon. Nearly all strips from Episode I are available in German.
Darths and Droids has completed the campaigns based on the six original movies as well as a flashback to a campaign based on Rogue Onebinary options on alternative trading system ats, then took a side trip into, of all things, the Star Wars episode of The Muppet Showbefore starting on the sequel trilogy.
The first campaign, The Phantasmal Malevolencegot a licensed stage adaptation, which you can view here. And, of course, all Star Wars tropes apply whenever they spring up in the collaboratively developed story. Community Showcase More. Follow TV Tropes. You need to login to do this. Get Known if you don't have an account. All tropes related to a specific character can be found on the character sheet.
The Brain : Ben, playing Obi-Wan Kenobi during the prequel trilogy, and once he dies in Episode IV he takes over Chewbacca from the GM. He starts the sequels as Lor San Tekka before moving on to General Hux. He prefers to think rationally before acting, comes up with sane plans, but is quick to resort to fast-talking the GM if nothing else works. Also points out the unlikelihood of situations they run into. At some point since Episode III he stopped coming to game sessions, but he eventually returns for Episode IV as a result, he winds up missing the Rogue One campaign.
The Real Man though arguably with a side-order of The Loonie even stronger than Sally's : Jim, initially playing Qui-Gon Jinn, then, after the death of Qui-Gon, Padmé Amidala. In Episode IV, his early characters including Captain Antilles wound up being Mauve Shirtsuntil he settled in as "Han Solo".
note The Harrison Ford character, though in the strip his and Greedo's names were switched until Jim shot first and stole the Solo identity. This in no way came back to bite him eventually. Those "early characters" were apparently all in Rogue Onestarting with " Kyle Katarn " Saw Gererra before picking up "Bria Tharen" Jyn Erso and Bail Organa from the GM.
In the sequels, he's Poe Dameron. He's a gung-ho, enthusiastic player, binary options on alternative trading system ats blindly rushing into binary options on alternative trading system ats. He's also prone to humorous misunderstandings of the setting, bizarre and obviously incorrect explanations, and creation of Plot Tumors.
His insane plan regarding the pod race must be seen to be believed yet he's also pursuing a Ph. in geophysics; in Pete's words, he relaxes by doing things that let him turn his brain off and surprises the other players when they realize that he's not as stupid as his play style suggests. The Loonie : Sally, playing Jar Jar Binks in Binary options on alternative trading system ats I, binary options on alternative trading system ats. By the time the Episode II campaign started, she decided Jar Jar was stupid, and bounced around several characters before mainly settling on C-3PO and Yoda.
She then played K-2SO in Rogue One and Kylo Ren in the sequels. She's Ben's kid sister, who he once brought to a game session when their parents weren't home. As she's grown up, she's matured into a social activist. Many of the wacky elements of the setting, such as the Gungans including her own characterToydarians, and an elected year-old queen, are products of her wild imagination; the GM seems to have largely left the task of designing settings and alien races to her, in acknowledgment of the fact that she is more creative with such things than he is.
Sally is also pure awesome in a can, given that she was able to accomplish the flat-out impossible feat of making Jar Jar Binks likable. The Munchkin : Pete, playing R2-D2 in most campaigns, both Chirrut Îmwe and Baze Malbus in Rogue Binary options on alternative trading system atsand Rey in the sequels. He joined after Jim told him about the game and designed his character in advance using Min-Maxingresulting in a verbally-challenged non-humanoid robot with insane mechanic skills.
He took the same approach for Rogue Onecreating a blind monk and his deaf and mute familiar that both have an array of combat perks. He has something of a soft spot for Sally, which makes a lot more sense once she sticks with C-3PO for Episode IV. The Thespian : Annieinitially playing Shmi Skywalker but soon switched to Anakin rather than shoehorning Shmi into the adventuring party. As of Episode IV, she's Leia and Darth Vader.
For Rogue Oneshe played Cassian Andor; and in the sequels she's Finn. Ben told her about the game in drama class. Her unfamiliarity with typical RPG player behavior results in amusing misunderstandings, such as her mistaking Qui-Gon for a robber when he attempts to search Shmi's house for loot.
Her roleplaying tends to be filled with Hidden Depths and moral ambiguitywhich sometimes screws with the more straightforward mindset of the other players. As a joke, she plays what is considered to be the worst acted character from the prequel trilogy. The Sixth Ranger : Corey, joining the group in Episode IV and playing Luke named Luke Amidala in this case; with the aliases "Adam Lars" and Luke "Starkiller". With Luke's disappearance in the sequel campaigns, his new character is BB He's Pete's nephew, being just a little older than Sally, binary options on alternative trading system ats.
He got interested in the group after hearing Pete talk about it, but was stunned to find it wasn't a role-playing video game. Nonetheless, he seems to be getting the hang of things pretty quickly. The Game Master : No Name Givenplaying everyone else; mostly NPCs but he also plays a part in the Episode IV adventuring party as Chewbacca until Ben takes over the role. He also plays major roles in Rogue One as Bodhi Rook and the original player for "Bria Tharen" Jyn Erso.
He too often sees his carefully written campaigns get shot to pieces by the players going Off the Railsbut knows better than to try Railroading and usually doesn't do any more than make a sarcastic comment in response. More often, he just rolls with whatever the players come up with. Binary options on alternative trading system ats also tends to differentiate NPCs with Just Some Stupid Accentsand he enjoys playing authority figures that get to call the PCs on their shenanigans.
Tropes to E, binary options on alternative trading system ats. He finds 13 gold coins, and a cursed item which forces him to pay for the resurrection of Chewbacca's character. Accidental Misnaming : About half the time Jim says anything, he gets its name wrong. Sio Bibble is "Bubble", Jedi knights are "Cheddar monks", Sebulba is "Sir Bulbar", etc.
Taken to absurd lengths when Jim gets to name Padmé's entire family, then says the wrong names later. Lampshaded with the TIE fighterswhich Jim misremembers as PIE Fighters, causing Sally to rush to an explanation that convinces everyone to ignore the original name. Corey: PIE fighters? Sally: It stands for Plasma Ion Engines! GM: No, no, they're called — Pete: Too late, it's canon.
They're PIE fighters now. GM: Okay, fine, they're TIE fighters. Just don't change the name again! GM: Delivered to this dark, dank den of despair, you discern a disarray of disheartened, disfigured, and dismembered droids.
Pete: You've been practicing that sentence, haven't you? GM: Definitely. Capped off by Pete's last line of the strip; "Darn. Jar Jar: Dis meaning war, wesa needs to have a stronger leader!
Mesa suggests Chancellor Palpatine gets emergency powers! Palpatine: What?! Yoda: They're steps. One after the other, they come. Luke: So, is it inevitable, binary options on alternative trading system ats, then? Yoda: No. If once you start down a Path, not necessarily forever will it dominate your destiny.
Walk both directions on a Path, you can. That's why it's called a Path, not a river. Luke: But salmon can swim upstream. Yoda: A metaphor this is.
Take it literally do not, binary options on alternative trading system ats, little fishy. Sally: Just because you do everything Dad tells you to! Obi-Wan: Let's see. You stole the plans for a symbol of peace. You're allied with a a known megalomaniacal warlord and b a criminal sociopath.
You have not one, but two, armies at your disposal. You've captured me — unfairly — and are holding me with no means of escape. And you're monologuing. Count Dookû: I am monologuing?!
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, time: 10:09Darths and Droids has completed the campaigns based on the six original movies as well as a flashback to a campaign based on Rogue One, then took a side trip into, of all things, the Star Wars episode of The Muppet Show, before starting on the sequel trilogy.. The first campaign, The Phantasmal Malevolence, got a licensed stage adaptation, which you can view here /11/04 · Best Binary Options Brokers in the US This technology-driven e-commerce company’s tZERO Group division is an alternative trading system (ATS) regulated by the Securities and Exchange We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us
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